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How can I get LPG license in Pakistan ?

We are provide information How can I get LPG license in Pakistan ?


  • Application on the prescribed proforma.
  • Pay Order / Bank Draft of Rs.500,000/- in favour of Oil & Gas Regulatory
    Authority, as Licence fee (Payable at Islamabad).
  • Attested copy of proof of registration of the company / Firm (Company
    incorporation certificate).
  • Attested copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Attested copies of ID cards of all Directors / Partners.
  • Exact location of the plant site.
  • Proof of Financial Competence of the Company:
    Financial Competence Certificate issued by a Bank (original and stamped).
    Sample Format:
    “It is to certify that M/s ABC or Mr. XYZ (Chief Executive of M/s
    ABC) is maintaining their account number 123 with our Bank. It is
    further stated that the company has sufficient financial resources
    equivalent of US $0.5 million, necessary to set up the requisite LPG
    infrastructure facilities”.
  • Comprehensive marketing plan specifying location and capacity of plant at
    present and in coming years, area of operation, no. of cylinders and details of
    no. of distributors (Province / City wise).
  • Last three years Audited Reports (if applicable).
  • Minimum Work Program:
  • Number of storage tanks and capacity of storage tanks.
  • Bottling facility capacity.
  • Quantity of LPG to be distributed per day or per month.
  • Identification of areas where distribution / marketing of LPG is planned.

We are specialized all kind of lpg storage tank and road bowser in Pakistan.

If you need any kind of help please whatsapp at +92 322 6016080

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